WorldWide Metal: Slovenia

Slovenia’s Metal Scene: A Thriving Underground

Slovenia, a small country nestled in Central Europe, might not be the first place one thinks of when it comes to Heavy Metal music. However, the country’s underground Metal scene is surprisingly vibrant and diverse, boasting a wide range of subgenres, from Thrash and Death Metal to Black Metal and Folk Metal.

The roots of Slovenia’s metal scene can be traced back to the late 1970s and early 1980s, when bands like Pankrti, Niet, and Lublanski Psi emerged as pioneers of the Nunk Rock movement in the country. These bands’ rebellious and anti-establishment attitudes resonated with the youth of Slovenia.

As the 1980s and 90s progressed, Slovenia’s Metal scene began to diversify, with bands venturing into heavier and more extreme subgenres. Thrash metal bands like Sarcasm and Epidemic Zone and Death Metal bands like Xenofobia, as well as Black Metal, Heavy Metal and Folk Metal bands.

While Slovenia’s Metal scene may not be as well-known as those in larger countries, it is a testament to the power of music to transcend borders and unite people through shared passions. The country’s underground metal scene continues to produce exciting music, earning its place among the most vibrant metal scenes in the world.

Let me introduce some Metal bands from Slovenia that you should check:



  • Genre: Symphonic Electronic/Industrial Metal
  • Location: Ljubljana, Central Slovenia
  • Status: Active
  • Formed in: 2007
  • Link: Encyclopedia Metallum


  • Genre: Melodic Black/Death Metal (early); Industrial/Groove/Nu-Metal (later)
  • Location: Ljubljana, Central Slovenia
  • Status: Active
  • Formed in: 1994
  • Link: Encyclopedia Metallum


  • Genre: Death Metal/Grind Core
  • Location: Ljubljana, Central Slovenia
  • Status: Active
  • Formed in: 2015
  • Link: Encyclopedia Metallum


  • Genre: Post Black Metal
  • Location: Ljubljana, Central Slovenia
  • Status: Active
  • Formed in: 2019
  • Link: Encyclopedia Metallum


  • Genre: Heavy Metal
  • Location: n/a
  • Status: Active
  • Formed in: n/a
  • Link: Facebook